Michael Rey - Songwriter

Updated: May 27, 2020

Michael Rey is an American Country Songwriter originally from Hanna Wyoming who writes, composes, records, and co-produces country music songs geared for Major male & female country artists, TV, Movies, and Film.

There is no doubt that somewhere inside of Michael's music is a dash of every song (no matter the genre) that he's ever listened to in his life. His hope is to give his songs he writes ( just enough difference) an edge over trying to chase or keep up with popular trends in Country music. Michael say's he's done that in the past, and it can become rather hectic. Michael feel much more comfortable writing the way he writes, and producing his songs the way I see fit. Michael hope's this way of thinking isn’t a risk, but rather an advantage.

Since Michael is “Solely” a Songwriter, more than a singer. He can probably get a way with a little a little more creative space that the Artist would. Industry professionals are a Singer/Artist (self contained artist) will have to comply with stricter unwritten guide lines where they are trying to get a break into the music field. They must maintain a consistent style music for an album & such. Since Michael is (solely) a Songwriter, Michael use this extra flexibility to cover a lot of different areas withing Country music today. For example, if he writes a song that feels a little Pop, Rock, Blues, R&B etc. he has at his disposal the reliable Producers he chooses to hire and demo & maintain the feel of that particular song. Or they have the creative space to pull it back into particular Country style they hear. More times than not, the song gets recorded in the best possible way, so that the song has its best possible chance of getting recorded by a Major or Independent male and female country music artist, TV, Movie or Film.

For example: “Smoke Rings in the Dark” is a song written by Rivers Rutherford and Houston Robert, and recorded by American country music artist Gary Allan.
Michael dose not write for any particular Country style or type. he dose not write for trends that are out there. Even if he did, by the time his version of the song was cut & hit the Artist’s camp. The trend would more than likely have passed. Leaving Michael with a great dated song. he wouldn't and can’t afford to do that.

Michael is a Country Songwriter who is compassionate to every song he writes. Michael's motto is, it’s all 150% about the song from conception to completion. When his song is the absolute best he can make it. he would hope that you have been taken on a 3-4 minute journey of emotions, feelings, pictures, & story line, so when you’ve finish listening to Michael's song you say. I can hear Blake or Keith singing it.

“Cop Car” is a song written by Zach Crowell, Sam Hunt, and Matt Jenkins, and recorded by Australian country music singer Keith Urban. It was released in January 2014 as the third single from his studio album Fuse.

"Drink on It" is a song recorded by American country music artist Blake Shelton. It was released in January 2012 as the third single from his sixth studio album Red River Blue. The song was written by Jessi Alexander, Rodney Clawson and Jon Randall.
When Michael writes a song it isn't geared for a particular Major or Indie Artist. It’s written in a way that everyone can relate to it. Michael wants you to say, “Oh I like that song, it doesn’t sound like anyone else.” That’s his payday. Here’s a very good example or how Michael's Country Music varies on extreme to the other because he's not tied down to a particular style or trend. “Frame by Frame” & “Do those THINGS!” are recorded in Nashville Tennessee by two completely different Producers that helped Michael achieve each songs full potential in to very different way. Listen to them both.

Here’s your chance to Vote whether Michael Rey’s Frame by Frame Music Video should be aired on “CMT” or “GAC”

Please watch the video & vote. Thank you for participating.

“Frame by Frame” when you listen to it, has a real solid “Traditional Country” feel. “Do those THINGS!” has a total “Rockabilly” Pop type feel. Another song Michael wrote called “Easy” has what Michael calls a Country Soul feel. If that field indeed does exist. Lastly, a song Michael wrote called “One Drop” has a great Americana feel type feel to it. Hopefully introducing you to Michael's songs helps you to understand that yes, He is a Country Music Songwriter. and chooses to be different, because he truly believe whoever cuts his songs be it Major or Indie artist. Everyone involved, our chances have increased by 500%. Michael uses the best studio musicians Nashville Tennessee can offer. Some of them have played on Taylor Swift songs, some of them on Jason Aldean cuts. So for Michael to be able to get those songs into the hands of Major & Indie artists. You can help by purchasing them by “Clicking” on any of Michael's name mentions here I've hyper link them to Michael's Site and you can help Michael and his songs the best chance of getting into the hands of Great Major & Indie artist today.

Once again folks, This Is Michael Rey & he writes each of his songs for the likes of Major & Independent Artists. These various artists may come across his songs through a “Pitch” from you, Twitter, Google+, Youtube,my Publisher, or any one of the many Social Media platforms I use.

Please leave a Comment on Michaels site & everywhere you can & don’t forget your purchase of any of Michael's songs, helps get them into the hands of Major & Indie artists to cut.

"May God bless you all & thank you so much for your contribution,

Michael Rey - Country Songwriter"