EverMore - Taylor Swift

With this Album Taylor has transitioned into a much more matured and somber Artist seemingly putting the past behind her and opening herself up to NEW possibilities. From the start of the Album Track 1 Willow Taylor has obviously honed her story telling, songwriting abilities to NEAR PERFECTION slowly building with each and every song on this 15 track album crescendoing with The Title Track 15 Evermore.

What a beautiful journey Taylor Allows us to take with her all while being true to herself and her followers by letting us all peek behind the curtain of the Public Taylor Swift into the very sometimes very personal pain of the more reserved and Private Taylor Swift, Even tho while pointing at those whom have done her wrong Taylor also acknowledges her own shortcomings and that she could have handle a few situation better as well as others could have done with her as well.

With this Sister Album to Folklore I think we now see Taylor is and always will be The Icon she's always been, even those trying to tear Taylor down are sitting back in AWE of just how incredibly talented and gifted Miss Swift is.With a near perfect blending of Folk, Pop, Country Taylor has set the Bar unbelievably high that i'm not sure any other Artis well ever be able to achieve unless there name is Taylor Swift, This is not to put down or demean any other artist, it's just proof how Amazing Miss Swift is and just how far above and beyond other artist she truly is that has come from all the painstaking hours Taylor has taken to perfect her craft and work ethics. It is of my opinion The sacrifices Taylor made in the very beginning are pay off in HUGE dividends as in the Quality of her music and the ability to connect not to just some but EVERYONE and will continue to do so "EVERMORE"